Inflation: Causes, Effects and Prevention

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Inflation is an economic term used to describe a sustained increase in the general price level of the economy. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is often used as the main indicator. When the CPI increases, it means that your purchasing power has decreased. A variety of factors can cause the CPI to increase. Including increased demand and supply chain disruptions, as well as changes in the money supply and exchange rates. Inflation can have a variety of adverse effects on the economy, and investors should be aware of the risks associated with this macroeconomic issue. This article will provide an overview of the causes, the effects, and strategies for managing and preventing inflation.

What Causes Inflation?

Inflation is caused by a variety of factors including increases in demand for goods and services, supply chain disruptions, changes in exchange rates, and changes in the money supply. Changes in the money supply can significantly affect inflation, as the Federal Reserve has the ability to manipulate the supply of money through increasing or decreasing interest rates. When the Federal Reserve increases the Federal Funds Rate, the cost of borrowing money increases. This can lead to higher price levels. Changes in prices of traded goods, such as commodities and currency, can also influence inflation levels. In the following link you can find Inflation data for every month in the recent years.

The Effects of Inflation

Inflation affects consumers and businesses in different ways. Consumers lose purchasing power when prices rise due to inflation, while businesses may experience increased costs. In general, inflation makes importing goods more expensive, so businesses may experience higher costs for goods purchased from abroad. Increases in prices can also lead to higher wages for workers, as the cost of living rises and wages need to keep pace. However, this can result in layoffs if businesses can’t afford the associated costs. Therefore, it is key for the authorities to act in a balanced manner to not slow down economic activity unsustainably.

Strategies for Managing and Preventing Inflation

Investors can use various strategies to protect themselves from the effects of inflation. Investing in Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) is one way to protect against the negative effects. TIPS are bonds issued by the federal government that are linked to the consumer price index. The coupon payments and principal payouts of TIPS increase with the consumer price index, guaranteeing that investors will not lose purchasing power due to inflation.

Gold is also popular as an investment tool to combat this economic issue. As prices rise, gold prices tend to increase as well. This is because gold is seen as a safe haven asset during times of economic uncertainty. Another more modern option, but slightly more risky is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is an inherently deflationary asset as there is a hard limit of 21 million BTC. Similarly to gold which relies on scarcity, this sort of asset is already becoming a refuge for people’s money. Refer to the following article to learn more about Cryptocurrencies.

Investors can also hedge by investing in stocks and real estate. Stocks may increase in value as companies benefit from higher prices due to higher amounts of money in circulation. Real estate can also be a good hedge against inflation, as real estate values also tend to appreciate when there is an increase in the general price level of an economy.

Federal reserve

The Federal Reserve, the USA’s central bank has as one of its main objectives to combat Inflation. The way they do this is through the use of monetary policy tools such as interest rate adjustments and open market operations to keep price levels in check. By keeping inflation expectations in check, the Federal Reserve can help to prevent or reduce the negative consequences of this economic phenomenon.

A good example of inflation posing a big challenge to the authorities is through the economic crisis created by Covid-19. The Federal Government found it necessary to give out stimulus checks in order to keep economic activity at a reasonable level. However, this had long term consequences. As the supply chain problems generated by the lockdowns along with the high levels of money in circulation have created a persisting inflation problem in the economy. A problem which is still challenging the authorities to this date!


Inflation is an important economic concept and can have a significant impact on consumers and businesses. A variety of factors, including increased demand and changes in the money supply, can lead to inflation. There can be a variety of adverse effects on the economy and investors should be aware of the risks associated with it. There are several strategies that investors can use to protect themselves from the effects of inflation, such as investing in TIPS, gold, stocks, and real estate. It is primarily up to central banks to control this issue. The Federal Reserve has had history of doing decently in tackling this economic issue, although there have been questionable actions in certain moments.

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