Who Are We?

On this page you will find all sorts of information on who we are. What our personal missions are with this website, and a bit of our background.


César Alejandro Pérez Vivas
who, finance hive, cesar

I am a 22-year-old Venezuelan student, currently pursuing a degree in Economics & Finance (Final year at Universidad CEU San Pablo). I have specific interest in equity markets and cryptocurrencies, and I am deeply committed to advancing my knowledge and expertise in these areas.

My journey with cryptocurrency began in 2016 when I discovered Bitcoin at the young age of 15. Since then, I have been dedicated to exploring the exciting world of digital currencies and understanding the complex systems that drive them.

As a student of finance, I am highly motivated to succeed and am constantly striving to learn and grow both personally and professionally. I would say I have an obsession with our financial system and how to improve it. In my eyes, the first step towards achieving that is ensuring everyone has a strong level of financial literacy.


Salar Ravangouy Mytouei

Welcome! I’m Salar, a 19-year-old Aerospace Engineering student born in Spain to Iranian parents. Growing up in a multicultural environment taught me from a young age the importance of wise money management. I was always drawn to the world of economics, and have gained familiarity with it over the years, particularly in financial markets.

Since beginning my studies, I have further developed my grasp of the complexities of the financial system by leveraging the technical skills acquired from my academic field. I am also enrolled in a Mathematics and Finance exchange programme. While I continue to learn every day, I’m delighted to offer my insights on Finance Hive alongside this fantastic team, to help you achieve your own financial goals.


Álvaro Verdesoto Phothirath

I’m a 20 year Politics and Economics student. When I was 16, I had a vague experience working in a large consulting firm which triggered my interest in the financial sector. Ever since, I have pursued a career in finance with other work experiences and my degree itself. When I got offered to be a part of Finance Hive, it was the only logical step to further improve my knowledge and help create an entire community of financial enthusiasts.


Emil Graham Skarnvad

Greetings! My name is Emil Skarnvad and I have the pleasure of being a part of Finance Hive. Raised in Madrid to Danish Parents, I have had the unique experience of growing up in a multicultural environment. Having attended an international school, I have been exposed to diverse paths and was intrigued by the world of economics and finance.

Following the completion of my military service in the Danish Royal Guard, I decided to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in International Business at Copenhagen Business School. As a result, I discovered a curiosity for the process of growth and optimization as well as the financial sector. Through Finance Hive, I look forward to sharing my personal insights in investing while continuing my learning.

Creative Director

Adriano Carlo Vaamonde Fallone
who, finance hive, adri

Hey, I’m Adriano! I am 20 years old and my mom’s from Italy and my dad’s a mix of Spanish and Venezuelan. I currently study Management at The University of Warwick and I’m looking to pursue a career in Sales and Marketing.

I’ve been super lucky to have lived in five different countries, which has given me a global perspective on things. I’ve always been involved in business since I was a little kid, learning and gathering information through my parents and their business. It’s made me really passionate about entrepreneurship and finance.

I’m excited to share my experience and insights on Finance Hive. I think it’s important for everyone to have a good handle on their finances, whether you’re running a business or just trying to make ends meet.

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